Nitrides Seminar - Aditya Raj
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Meeting ID: 895 1609 0520
Passcode: 521501
Aditya Raj
Graduate Student Researcher, Mishra Group
University of California, Santa Barbara
GaN/AlGaN superlattice based hole channel FinFET
There is a strong need for a large band gap pFET device with good performance for an efficient high voltage CMOS platform for power conversion applications. GaN HEMTs are already commercially used in high-power conversion systems. However, the performance of the GaN pFETs has not been attractive enough for a GaN based CMOS power conversion technology.
This talk will focus on improving the on-current of hole channel GaN transistors while maintaining normally off operation. Lower hole mobility requires a much higher hole channel charge to achieve an on-resistance of the same order as GaN HEMTs. Our approach is to distribute the total carriers in multiple parallel channels and modulate these parallel channels independently. A Mg-doped GaN/AlGaN superlattice (SL) is one way to get multiple parallel hole channels. Using MOCVD grown GaN/AlGaN superlattice, FinFET devices were designed, fabricated, and characterized. A combination of MOCVD regrown contacts around the fins and Schottky gate structure led to normally off devices with an on-current >60 mA/mm and a breakdown voltage of >40 V.