Professor Shuji Nakamura featured on Solitaire, in a deck of cards featuring famous inventors
What is Solitaire: Lemelson MIT?
This guest blog was written for IP.com by Solitaired.
Despite its fun and relaxing nature, solitaire can get a bit monotonous at times. That’s especially true for those who play it daily. Luckily, there’s a way to rekindle your passion for the game – try playing another variant.
The Lemelson MIT is a great place to start.
What is Solitaire: Lemelson MIT?
Solitaire: Lemelson MIT is a version of the classic card game Solitaired developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
It uses a custom-made deck, which features pictures and names of 52 inventors instead of the usual card symbols. To be precise, the cards still feature the standard symbols in the corners, but the middle is reserved for the inventor’s name and picture. You’ll see the name of their most famous invention on the bottom of each card, below the image:
Trying this variant out is an excellent way to keep things interesting with Solitaire. Unlike the classic old deck, the Lemelson MIT deck will introduce you to some fantastic people, and who knows, the game may inspire you to become an inventor yourself!
Perhaps the most significant benefit of this Solitaire variant is that it’ll make you think about just how many brilliant people there are in the world. The inventions of the 52 individuals on the deck are of global significance, and yet, some of these names remain relatively obscure in popular culture. Why aren’t these people more famous? That right there is the million-dollar question. Perhaps, after playing the game, you may want to spread the word and inspire your friends to start learning about these brilliant folks too.
Another beneficial side effect of playing Solitaire: Lemelson MIT is the enhancement of your general knowledge. That can be extremely useful while playing trivia quizzes or trying to impress some of your brainy friends.
So, the next time you wish to play some Solitaire online, make sure to look for the Lemelson MIT deck!Who does the deck feature?
In the Lemelson MIT deck, you’ll find names that you may or may not have heard of before. Nevertheless, all of these people are certainly worth knowing about, and you’ll be doing yourself a favor by learning who they are and what they invented.
Here are some of the inventors that you’ll come across in the game:
- Willem Kolff, inventor of the machine for kidney dialysis
- Edith Flanigen, inventor of Zeolite Y, a molecular sieve used for refining petroleum
- Peter Cooper, inventor of Jell-O
- Shuji Nakamura, inventor of the LED light
- George de Mestral, inventor of Velcro
- Frank Epperson, inventor of the Popsicle
- Dean Kamen, inventor of the IBOT mobility system used in the Segway
- Hedy Lamarr, inventor of the military communications system
And the list shown above is just the tip of the iceberg.