Professor Shuji Nakamura receives Honoris Causa Doctorate in Energy and Sustainable Development
Honorary Doctorate in Energy and Sustainable Development to prof. Shuji Nakamura Nobel Prize for Physics 2014: he revolutionized the world of light - Friday 12 April 2019, Aula Magna of the University of Perugia
On Friday 12 April 2019, on the occasion of the XIX CIRIAF national congress (Interuniversity Center for Research on Pollution and the Environment - 'Mauro Felli', the Magnificent Rector Franco Moriconi will confer the Honorary Doctorate in Energy and Sustainable Development to Prof. Shuji Nakamura , Nobel Prize winner for Physics 2014, known for the invention of LED lighting.
The inaugural ceremony of the congress will begin at 9.30 am in the Aula Magna of the University of Perugia , the awarding of the Honorary Doctorate is scheduled for 11 am.
LED lighting, invented by professor Nakamura, has marked a fundamental stage to say the least for everyone's daily life: today it allows us to generate an incredibly higher luminous flux which can even reach 300 lumens per watt of absorbed power, with consequent energy savings, combined with a long approximately 100 times more than Edison's light bulb and 10 times more than gas discharge lamps, such as fluorescent tubes or mercury vapor lamps.
"The professor Nakamura embodies, in a single person, the scientist and manager of technology transfer capable of transforming Science into a tool of sustainable progress for the common good: a model from which Italian universities will have to draw inspiration in the coming years", states Professor Franco Cotana, coordinator of the Doctorate course in Energy and Sustainable Development at the University of Perugia and Promoter of the Honorary Doctorate.
Shuji Nakamura was born in Ikata, Japan, in 1954 and graduated in 1977 with a degree in electrical engineering from Tokushima University. In 2000 he moved to the United States, to Santa Barbara, where he teaches at the University of California and continues his research on high-efficiency laser light sources. A career full of intuitions, studies and publications led him to receive the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2014.
As part of the broad program of the CIRIAF national congress, on Friday 12 April, Shuji Nakamura will also award six 'Premio Mauro Felli' scholarships, named after the founder and first director of CIRIAF, intended for high school students who have completed an essay scientific on conference topics.