
Development Engineer
Development Engineer with over 30 years experience in Semiconductor Industry and Research (including experience in SEM, FIB, MBE, HVPE, and MOCVD). Responsible for lab equipment management, working with Facilities to design new laboratories and upgrade lab spaces, and working with UCSB Environmental Health and Safety and the County Fire Marshal to comply with all safety regulations for research facilities.

Principal Development Engineer
Principal Development Engineer responsible for SSLEEC's MOCVD lab. Recent projects focus on development of novel nitride based devices and materials for applications in solid state lighting. Responsibilities include supervision of MOCVD equipment and facilities as well as all safety and training requirements.

Research Advisor
An SSLEEC Affiliate has several decades of experience inventing and developing crystal growth and characterization of group-III nitrides, as well as nitride based electronic and opto-electronic devices.

Business Officer, SSLEEC
Oversees and manages all center operations and finance. Provides direction and support to faculty, researchers, and staff regarding space, budget, equipment, lab renovation, student affairs, facilities management, and special projects.

Corporate Affiliates and Patent Officer, SSLEEC
Corporate relations, patent processing, and event management

Development Engineer, SSLEEC
Development Engineer responsible for the maintenance and repair of MOCVD equipment. Maintains peripheral equipment, gas systems, and lab inventories.