Bi, Hanyu

Hanyu Bi

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

Chanchaiworawit, Kittamet "San"

Kittamet "San" Chanchaiworawit

Graduate Student Researcher

Chao, Roark

Roark Chao

Graduate Student Researcher, ECE (MS) and TA for DenBaars

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Engineering II, Room 3508

Roark works with Jon Schuller and Steve DenBaars

Cheng, William

William Cheng

Undergraduate Intern

Gee, Stephen

Stephen Gee

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials
Organizer of LED/Laser Meeting; UC Santa Barbara Volunteer for the Southern California Science Olympiad.

Hobson, Reese

Reese Hobson

Undergraduate Intern

Juan, Arturo

Arturo Juan (He/Him/His)

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials
Arturo Juan earned his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Southern California, then earned his master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering from UCSB. He worked in industry prior to entering the Materials PhD Program. Juan is advised by Steven DenBaars, a distinguished professor of materials and electrical and computer engineering. The focus of his research is on the epitaxial growth, processing, and characterization of wide-bandgap semiconductors for optoelectronic devices. According to Juan, working to improve the efficiency of materials that emit light could pave the way, for next-generation technologies having applications in optical communication, sensors, lighting, and quantum computing.

Kamata, Togo

Togo Kamata

Undergraduate Intern
Undergraduate Physics student

Li, Xianqing Collin

Xianqing "Collin" Li

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

Muthuraj, Vineeta2

Vineeta Muthuraj

Graduate Student Researcher

Nayak, Sally

Sally Nayak

Undergraduate Researcher, ECE

Ni, Andrea

Andrea Ni

Graduate Student Researcher, Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Engineering II, Room 2512

Nitta, Kent

Kent Nitta

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

Pollans, Sarah

Sarah Pollans

Undergraduate Intern, Electrical & Computer Engineering
MicroLED and laser team

Quevedo, Alejandro(COE-Lilli)

Alejandro Quevedo

Graduate Student Researcher, ECE & Physics

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Engineering II, Room 2515


Vincent Rienzi (he/him)

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering Science Bldg, Room 3215F

Springfield, Chloe

Chloe Springfield

Undergraduate Researcher, ChemE & Materials

Tak, Tanay

Tanay Tak (he/him)

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3507

Tanay Tak is a Ph.D. student in the Materials Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara where he works under the guidance of Profs. James Speck, Steven DenBaars, and Claude Weisbuch. His research focus is on advancing the fundamental understanding and usage of III-N materials and devices. In particular, he has a glimpse into the inner workings of devices under operating conditions by employing electron emission-spectroscopy and -microscopy techniques.

Tan, Justin

Justin Tan

Graduate Student Researcher, Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Engineering II, Room 2515

Trageser, Emily(COE-Lilli)

Emily Trageser

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3508

Emily came to UC Santa Barbara in 2020 to pursue graduate studies in Materials and is in the DenBaars Group as a member of the Solid State Lighting and Energy Electronics Center. Emily's work focuses on the development of III-nitride active regions for lasers and other photonic devices. Her interest in quantum materials lies in the heterogeneous integration of photonic integrated circuits for applications in quantum sensing.