
Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 12:00 pm
The International Year of the Light Symposium: Session 2
Feb 12, 2016
(Visit: Blue LED and Prospects for the Lighting Industry with Shuji Nakamura. Energy Savings and Future Directions in Solid State Lighting with Steve DenBaars. Semiconductor Lasers: Vertical, Tunable, Enabling Photonic ICs with Larry Coldren. Lightwave Technologies Are Key To: Good Health, Good Communications & Good Entertainment with Waguih Ishak. Quantum Sensing and Imaging with Photoluminescent Single Spins with Ania Jayich. Tunable Biophotonics with Dan Morse. Recorded on 10/08/2015. Series: "Scientific Horizons" [3/2016] [Science] [Show ID: 30223]