Iza, Mike

Michael Iza

Principal Development Engineer

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Engineering II, Room 3525

Principal Development Engineer responsible for SSLEEC's MOCVD lab. Recent projects focus on development of novel nitride based devices and materials for applications in solid state lighting. Responsibilities include supervision of MOCVD equipment and facilities as well as all safety and training requirements.

Juan, Arturo

Arturo Juan (He/Him/His)

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials
Arturo Juan earned his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Southern California, then earned his master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering from UCSB. He worked in industry prior to entering the Materials PhD Program. Juan is advised by Steven DenBaars, a distinguished professor of materials and electrical and computer engineering. The focus of his research is on the epitaxial growth, processing, and… Read More

Kamata, Togo

Togo Kamata

Undergraduate Intern
Undergraduate Physics student

Keller, Stacia
An SSLEEC Affiliate has several decades of experience inventing and developing crystal growth and characterization of group-III nitrides, as well as nitride based electronic and opto-electronic devices.

Krishnamoorthy, Sriram

Sriram Krishnamoorthy

Associate Professor, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3518

Mehrabian Career Development Chair Associate Professor of Materials Department, focuses his research on epitaxial growth of ultra-wide bandgap Gallium Oxide materials and power semiconductor devices.

Kroemer, Herbert

Herbert Kroemer (in our memory)

Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Emeritus of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Materials Department. Professor Kroemer received numerous national and international honors and awards for his work, most notably the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics "for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto-electronics," and the 2002 IEEE Medal of Honor.

Li, Xianqing Collin

Xianqing "Collin" Li

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

McGowan, Brenda

Brenda McGowan (she/her/hers)

Business Officer, SSLEEC
Oversees and manages all center operations and finance. Provides direction and support to faculty, researchers, and staff regarding space, budget, equipment, lab renovation, student affairs, facilities management, and special projects.

Mishra, Umesh

Umesh K. Mishra

Richard A. Auhll Professor & Dean, College of Engineering
UMESH MISHRA, Richard A. Auhll Dean of the College of Engineering and Donald W. Whittier Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. A recognized leader in the area of high-speed field effect transistors. A leader in Gallium Nitride Electronics, his current research areas attempt to develop an understanding of novel materials and extend them into applications.

Miyazaki Fukiko-new 2023 pic.jpeg

Fukiko Miyazaki

Financial Coordinator, SSLEEC

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Engineering II, Room 3507

Provides financial and administrative support for the SSLEEC/Materials faculty, researchers, and staff. Key contact for Gateway Purchasing and Concur Travel and Entertainment.

Muthuraj, Vineeta2

Vineeta Muthuraj

Graduate Student Researcher

Nakamura, Shuji (photo credit: Matt Perko)

Shuji Nakamura

Co-Director of the Solid State Lighting & Energy Electronics Center
Co-Director of the Solid State Lighting and Energy Electronics Center; Professor of Materials and Electrical & Computer Engineering; The Cree Chair in Solid State Lighting & Displays; 2015 Draper Prize Laureate; 2014 Nobel Laureate; NAE, NAI, NIHF, Royal Academy

Nayak, Sally

Sally Nayak

Undergraduate Researcher, ECE

Ni, Andrea

Andrea Ni

Graduate Student Researcher, Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Engineering II, Room 2512

Nitta, Kent

Kent Nitta

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

Pattison, Morgan
Morgan Pattison has a PhD in Materials Science from UCSB with thesis research on GaN based micro-cavity LEDs advised by Professor Shuji Nakamura. Upon graduation in 2006 Morgan went to work for the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory based in Morgantown, WV, managing R&D for the DOE SSL R&D Program. After 2 years with the DOE, Morgan started an LED and lighting focused technology consulting business, SSLS. He has continued to… Read More

Pollans, Sarah

Sarah Pollans

Undergraduate Intern, Electrical & Computer Engineering
MicroLED and laser team

Quevedo, Alejandro(COE-Lilli)

Alejandro Quevedo

Graduate Student Researcher, ECE & Physics

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Engineering II, Room 2515

Rienzi, Vincent

Vincent Rienzi (he/him)

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering Science Bldg, Room 3215F

Seshadri, Ram

Ram Seshadri

Distinguished Professor, Materials and Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Professor of Materials/Chemistry & Biochemistry and Co-Director of the Materials Research Laboratory (MRL).