Springfield, Chloe

Chloe Springfield

Undergraduate Researcher, ChemE & Materials

Tak, Tanay

Tanay Tak (he/him)

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3507

Tanay Tak is a Ph.D. student in the Materials Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara where he works under the guidance of Profs. James Speck, Steven DenBaars, and Claude Weisbuch. His research focus is on advancing the fundamental understanding and usage of III-N materials and devices. In particular, he has a glimpse into the inner workings of devices under operating conditions by employing electron emission-spectroscopy and -… Read More

Tan, Justin

Justin Tan

Graduate Student Researcher, Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Engineering II, Room 2515

Trageser, Emily(COE-Lilli)

Emily Trageser

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3508

Emily came to UC Santa Barbara in 2020 to pursue graduate studies in Materials and is in the DenBaars Group as a member of the Solid State Lighting and Energy Electronics Center. Emily's work focuses on the development of III-nitride active regions for lasers and other photonic devices. Her interest in quantum materials lies in the heterogeneous integration of photonic integrated circuits for applications in quantum sensing.

Van de Walle, Chris
Computational materials; novel electronic materials (nitrides, oxides); physics and chemistry of hydrogen interactions with materials.

Vozel, Claire

Claire Vozel

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 2515

Wang, Michael

Michael Wang

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3502

Warner, Yukina

Yukina Warner

Corporate Affiliates and Patent Officer, SSLEEC

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Engineering II, Room 3511

Corporate relations, patent processing, and event management

Weisbuch, Claude

Claude Weisbuch

Distinguished Professor, Materials, UC Santa Barbara

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Engineering II, Room 3518

Distinguished professor in the Materials Department. His research contributions to SSLEEC are in the area of blue laser diodes and micro cavity LEDs. Additionally he has made significant contributions to Auger theory, photonic crystals, and experimental verification of LED droop.

Whitlatch, David

David E. Whitlatch

Development Engineer, SSLEEC

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Engineering II, Room 3507

Development Engineer responsible for the maintenance and repair of MOCVD equipment. Maintains peripheral equipment, gas systems, and lab inventories.

Wu, Feng

Feng Wu, PhD

Project Scientist

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Engineering Science Bldg. 3223

Dr. Feng Wu is an Affiliate (aka Project Scientist) for the Solid State Lighting and Energy Center for the College of Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research focuses on microstructure study and characterization of novel nitride based materials for applications in solid state lighting.

Yao, Yifan

Yifan Yao, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials

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Engineering II, Room 3502

Dr. Yifan Yao is a postdoctoral researcher in the materials Department at UCSB. He works on AlGaN growth, UV LEDs, micro-LEDs, laser diodes. His activity involves the device design, MOCVD growth, material characterization, chip fabrication, and device testing.

Zhang, Amy

Amy Zhang

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials

zhang,  hongyi

Hongyi Zhang

Graduate Student Researcher, Materials